lauantai 27. heinäkuuta 2013

Are You Taking Sufficient Vit D?
Are You Taking Sufficient Vit D?
The Dream Vitamin banishes the nightmares of aging

Honestly, there are so many studies out there about the health benefits of vitamin D that it would take a library to include them all. So let’s just hit some of the important ones.
• Several researches confirm vitamin D’s very positive impact on keepinghealthy blood pressure levels.
• Low vitamin D levels may make your heart work harder than it has to, while healthy levels appear to help keep your cardiovascular system in top shape
• Vitamin D helps keep your bones and muscles strong and healthy
• Memory, attention, and cognition all get a boost from healthy vitamin D levels, and suffer when levels are low
• Vitamin D can help keep your teeth strong and your gums healthy

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